The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, May 30

The next Oneironauticum is on Saturday, May 30th. For this session, we’ll be working with nicotine patches. Advanced oneironauts swear by the effectiveness of patches to promote vivid and sometimes also lucid dreams. In fact, the packaging of the patches I bought lists vivid dreams as a side effect, and instructs the user to remove the patch at night and apply a new one in the morning if vivid dreaming becomes overwhelming. Patches come in...

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Conversation, Memory, Land. Remote dream by Michael Rynne

I am staying at my family house. Johnny Rotten is there wearing some quite conservative clothing. I am delighted to see him and have a lot of experiences to relate to him. He listens though I have a feeling that I am talking too much. I tell him that it is interesting that he is there because earlier in the day John Lydon (his real name ) was here also. He tells me that the name is pronounced Lay-den not Lie-don. Later I am staying with friends...

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meta dreams, by David

I didn’t remember dreams until morning, when I began to get vivid fragments separated by time, mostly meta dreams about Oneironauticum. One set of fragments involved a gallery where we’d gathered for our dream group. The first gallery contained carvings made into dark, baked clay. The second contained portraiture as done by a seven year old—not a younger child—enameled against a white back drop occasionally framed by round bits of chrome...

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Racoon Professor, remote dream by Michael Matthews

I was a PhD student in mathematics and I got a paper back that had ridiculous comments on it (I was writing a proof that related the Fibonacci series to the differences in successive squares, and in the dream, I saw the connection), written in pidgin English with lots of misspellings. One of them said “these stupid thought, stupid, stupid”, and another said “vury confusing, ow” and at the bottom of every page was a...

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