Falling into Color, by Jennifer

Initially, it took me a while to fall asleep. The 5-HTP excited my system; I felt my heartbeat elevated and my mind was racing. Eventually, I began to drift off. Then I felt a pull, almost like when a car engine catches, a downward motion into the sleep state. As I felt that pull and moved into sleep, I saw a bright green flash. In the dream I then had, I was in the loft, lying in the bed in which I was actually laying, dreaming myself in my...

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Mermaid Home, remote dream by John

My girlfriend was helping me settle into her mermaid home. Beautifully vivid colors for all of this, sun-filtering through the kelp from above, and our home made of kelp woven airtight about air bubbles, creating rooms that ranged in size and dryness. She did a morning ritual that involved swimming in fast arcs in tight spirals around the kelp, and that woke up all the fish that weren’t nocturnal. She was teaching me which fish were OK to...

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Remembering the Dream, remote dream by Phil

The dream was about remembering the dream. Inside the dream I was anxious to hold on to what wasn’t even there yet. Then the dream itself became a kind of mixture of city and map, so I could simultaneously hold on to what I was doing as I was doing it, but what that was… other than some momentary fumbling with flesh… I can’t remember, until the city became bright yellow and bounded, a layer over the city with the...

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Mexican Bingo Card, by Christine

I had lots of short dreams, all very colorful and mostly involving animals. In one dream, there was an animal film festival. In another, I saw a brightly colored Mexican Bingo card where all the boxes were Mexican cartoon versions of animals. When a square that was on the card was called, a bug would crawl onto that space to mark it.

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Insects in my knee, by Vibrata

In addition to the 50 mg of 5-HTP, I added 12.5 mg of diphenhydramine to help me sleep. In my first dream, the setting started out as somewhat familiar – the loft, warmly lit, lots of people – mostly this dream group. There was a festive fell to the gathering; very chatty and active. An armoire was delivered. It was very large. I had some large insects living in my knee. They were creating poison which could be collected from the pus in...

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