Blue Face Tattoo and Handwriting Trickiness, by Lena

I dreamed of being at a party in our actual physical location, with the same group of us who were sleeping at Dean’s for Oneironauticum. A huge, bulky guy with an incredibly vivid blue face tattoo, where his entire face was the blue color, was there in addition to all of the rest of us. Everybody seemed to know him; he was quite a happy, friendly guy. Juliana had painted her face the same vibrant blue in some sort of solidarity with him,...

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Vivid, Beautiful Perceptions, by Dean

I walked at night down a boardwalk or pier that stood only a few inches above the water line. Candles along the sides of the pier reflected in the water, shimmering and vivid. The sounds of the waves slapping against the wood echoed gently, and a golden light suffused the entire scene. I could see and hear everything totally clearly. Everything felt totally peaceful. In slow motion, I walked along the pier looking for a house boat, but I was so...

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Vehicles, remote dream by Nat

In Seattle, visiting my posse, a Hasidic Jew plays chess with a giant man on a lawn covered in moss up a side street. We are meeting in a hotel/office building. I’m dropping off t-shirts for the bar I work at. People talk of the new Chinese restaurant in the mall. We go by, it’s very bad but friendly and open looking. My boss from the Hideout picks me up at the airport in the driving rain in a tiny convertible chitty chitty bang bang...

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Dream Body/Physical Body, by Jennifer

The Waterlilies somalixir produced physically tangible effects on my dreams. During the earlier part of the night, I dreamed a tall, thin man with dark curly hair in a pony tail and a pink seersucker shirt. He complained to me that the Somalixir didn’t actually do anything. I showed him that if I loosened my jaw a little, it would vibrate rapidly back and forth, clearly an effect of the somalixir. In a later dream, Erik and I rode in the back...

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crocodiles and butterflies, remote dream by Michael

My girlfriend and I were living in London in a ramshackle place with the bathtub down a ravine where a highly variable creek flowed through. Aside from the inconvenience, a very large crocodile occasionally appeared down there and would lay across our tub (being many times too large to lay in it) and make bellowing noises. I built a door that kept him out when we wanted to bathe, but we couldn’t keep it closed too long or the pressure from...

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