The next Oneironauticum is Saturday, August 16

For the August Oneironauticum on Saturday, August 16, we’ll enjoy some leftovers. We still have a supply of various oneirogens from previous Oneironauticum sessions. This month, session participants will choose from a number of dream inducing substances that we’ve found effective during past sessions. Available oneirogens for Saturday include: Galantamine, or Red Spider Lily extract. For the first Oneironauticum in January, 2008, we...

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dreaming and preparing to dream

It seems that I am already preparing for our next dream night. My house mate and I have started a new ritual in our home. When it begins to get dark, we light candles, rather than keep the lights on. This has been tremendously helpful in preparing me to go to bed and I find that I am fast asleep by 11:30. Prior to beginning this ritual, I would be up until 12 or 1:00. Not being bombarded by artificial light is allowing my mind to wind down...

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Describing Dreams, remote account by Alex

I tend to only remember the dream I was having right before I wake up. But I know the moment I get out of bed it will start to fade from memory. So I lay in bed and think about it, which sets it into memory. When I think about it I usually hop around the timeline, one thing will remind me of another, and eventually I will have a linear story. Before I shower (which resets my mind) I will sit down at my computer and type it out in story form....

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Processing Short Term Memories, by Vibrata

After a week of rather colorful, detailed dreams, I went to bed with high expectations. It was a while before I fell asleep but I was enjoying the music. I was thinking about the dreams I had during the week and thinking about the dreams I had earlier in the week and thinking about the conversations we’d all had before going to bed. In a hypnagogic state, I realized I had random images of the day’s events flitting quickly through my head and...

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