Calea Zacatechichi

Calea Zacatechichi is an herb used by the Chontal natives indigenous to the Mexican state of Oaxaca for the purposes of oneiromancy, a form of divination based on dreams. In some Mesoamerican cultures, people believe that dreams happen in realms beyond those we consciously perceive and that the contents of dreams can convey meaningful messages or prophecy. The herb also induces lucid dreaming. Calea can be brewed into a very, very bitter tea by steeping two to three grams (a really heaping tablespoon) of dried and crushed leaves in a cup of simmering (not boiling) water for 15 minutes then drinking it right before bed. The taste is incredibly nasty, but it’s effective. You can also make an extract by soaking the same proportion of dried leaves to liquid in vodka or some other alcohol for a few days, shaking frequently, then straining out the leaves. Finally, the dried calea can be smoked. Calea can be ordered online or purchased in some stores that sell herbs.