Murky Memories, a Lucid Flight, by Jennifer

For the most recent Oneironauticum, I took 4g of Melatonin, 200 mg of B-6 and 470 mg of Valerian. As was the common experience, my memories of movements through dream realms were uncharacteristically vague, though I woke sure that I’d dreamed epically and constantly all night. I had the sense of having spent much more of the night in dream space than usual, and less in deep sleep. Throughout the night, I often rose to the surface of...

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Minutes of the May, 2008 Oneironauticum

Dreamers Erik Davis, Vibrata Chromodoris, David Shamanik, Dean Mermell, Jacob Nasim, Christy Silness, Emily Butterfly, feline Marion, and yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert, met at the habitat on Saturday, May 31. Amongst us all, we varied the relative amounts of B-6, Melatonin, and Valerian we took, from 3-5 g of Melatonin, 100-200 mg of B-6 and 470-940 mg of Valerian. Several of our number were kept awake by busy minds for some time after bedding...

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