Minutes from the May, 2009 Oneironauticum, Detailed Dreams, by Jennifer

Minutes from the May, 2009 Oneironauticum, Detailed Dreams, by Jennifer

Because yours truly, Jennifer, was in Tokyo, the May, 2009 Oneironauticum consisted of remote participation only. After an evening of wandering amazed through Shinjuku, I returned to my cute little apartment in Yoyogi Hachiman, unrolled my futon, and applied my patch. Because I’m sensitive to nicotine, I used a 7mg transdermal patch (the weakest strength) cut in half. The patch produced vivid dreams all night long. In addition to three...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, May 30

The next Oneironauticum is on Saturday, May 30th. For this session, we’ll be working with nicotine patches. Advanced oneironauts swear by the effectiveness of patches to promote vivid and sometimes also lucid dreams. In fact, the packaging of the patches I bought lists vivid dreams as a side effect, and instructs the user to remove the patch at night and apply a new one in the morning if vivid dreaming becomes overwhelming. Patches come in...

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Minutes of the April Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

Minutes of the April Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

Participating in person for the March Oneironauticum were dreamers Erik, lissa ivy, Geneva, Christine, David, and yours truly, Jennifer. We gathered at my and Erik’s home, also known as the habitat, between 10:00 and 11:00 where we discussed some of our recent dream trends. Then we sat down around the living room table and each measured out a third of an ounce of olive oil into the small bowls I had prepared for mixing our anointing oils. We...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, April 25

The next Oneironauticum is on Saturday, April 25th. For this session, we’ll be working with anointing oil. In ancient medical practices, oils infused with herbal remedies were smeared on the skin, allowing the recipient to absorb healing properties. Later, anointing became a form of consecration. Today, anointing oils are often used to promote dreams. Those of us sleeping in the same space will each craft our own individual anointing oil from...

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Minutes of the March Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

Minutes of the March Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

Participating in person for the March Oneironauticum were dreamers Erik, lissa ivy, Dean, Juliana, Stacy, Lena, Chreos, David, Yvette, and yours truly, Jennifer. We gathered at Dean’s house in Bernal Heights between 10:00 and 11:00 where we spent the first hours discussing trends we see in our dreams. Both Lena and I described some of the places we revisit in dreams though we’ve never seen those places in waking reality. Chreos talked about...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, March 28

The next Oneironauticum is on Saturday, March 28th. We’ll be working with a Waterlilies Somalixir created by our pals at Al-Kemi. The formula combines several sorts of Waterlilies: Blue Nymphaea caerulea of Egypt, Mayan Nymphaea ampla, and Eurpoean Nymphaea alba. Water lilies are thought to contain very pleasant psychotropic qualities (Some theories name Blue Nymphaea caerulea as the “lotus” eaten by the lotus eaters in...

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