Minutes of the April Oneironauticum, by Jennifer
Participating in person for the March Oneironauticum were dreamers Erik, lissa ivy, Geneva, Christine, David, and yours truly, Jennifer.
We gathered at my and Erik’s home, also known as the habitat, between 10:00 and 11:00 where we discussed some of our recent dream trends. Then we sat down around the living room table and each measured out a third of an ounce of olive oil into the small bowls I had prepared for mixing our anointing oils. We then each mixed 20 – 25 drops of a mix of essential oils: Myrrh, Sandalwood, Sage, Mugwort, Roman Chamomille, Lavender, and Rose, mixed according to the qualities we wanted our anointing oil to possess. Once we’d made our oils we, rotated around the table smelling everybody else’s blends.
Around midnight we anointed ourselves. Some of us anointed at temples, shoulders and chest. Others went for glands: pineal (third eye), thyroid (throat), and Apocrine (under the arms). Amidst the fragrance of the oils, we went to bed. That night, the majority of us set an Oneironauticum record by sleeping more than ten hours. In the morning, we discussed our dreams over brunch.
Most of us reported numerous but fragmented dreams. Half of us recalled several of these fragments quite well, while the other half reported that the images scattered as soon as they woke up. A couple of us (Geneva and me) got the sense of having “overdosed” somewhat with the anointing oils. We both felt somewhat dizzy and sick in the earlier part of the night, experiencing sweaty, hot discomfort and cold, shivering spells. These feelings faded later in the night.