Minutes of the January Oneironauticum, by Jennifer
In attendance at the January 31 Oneironauticum were dreamers Erik Davis, Vibrata Chromodoris, David Shamanik, lissa ivy tiegel, Dean Mermell, Christine Benvenuto, Katherine Rochlin, Geneva Bumb Shanti, Jacob Nasim, Spiros Antonopolus, Erin Flynn, Christy Silness, Rebecca Devi Leanord, and yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert.
We began the evening by gathering around and checking out the proto type I just received in the mail, a multi-part device designed to increase dream recall and intensify dreams. A technological oneirogen in the tradition of the Nova Dreamer, this device includes auditory components timed to launch when the sleeper enters REM sleep, a sensory vibratory element keyed to the music, a mask that flashes LED lights behind closed eyelids also along with the music, an olfactory component that uses heat to release a scent during REM, and the sadly exclusive penis awareness component. Apparently, men reliably become erect at the onset of REM. When this happens, this component sets everything else in motion, the sound, the light, the scent, whatever you’ve set. We ladies will just have to use the timer. More on this device in future posts.
We took the Silene Capensis around 11:00 and stayed up a while before sleep. Over brunch the next morning, we discussed our dreams. Many of us dreamed of white—either snow or walls or even receipts. Several of us dreamed of figures who clearly held wisdom, Tibetan Lamas, Buddhist Monks, a woman with magical powers. Rebecca, a circus performer and workshop leader, received a clear message that she was to learn anatomy. Christine received a dream in response to a question she asked about her personal life. Spiros received a nightmare, a three chested, multi armed dude with lots of weapons (knives, swords, unidentifiable scary things) chasing him. Later, in a subsequent dream, several birds asked him if the dude was Spiros’ ancestor.