Spying & Toys, remote dream by Sylvia

(downloaded Somnium, went to sleep to it)
[Not having the benefit of the core Oneironauticum group’s wisdom about what volume to set the music to, a couple of times, my sleeping partner and I woke up and wondered why we couldn’t hear the music more, before we fell back asleep. Next time we will turn the volume up a little at falling-asleep time.]
Went to bed between 11:30pm and midnight. Had decent dream recall around 7am that devolved to really poor dream recall when I actually woke up at 8am. Snippets: With JP, spying on people at night who were driving up to and sneaking recycling into our recycling bins. “Our” being, a hybrid of the house I grew up in and a warehouse-y thing. The driveway figured prominently in the dream. The people we are spying on are: a heavy-set dad-like African-American man right after he’s gotten off work, and a shorter Latino man about the same age. (They were serially messing with the recycling, not collaboratively) It appears to me as if they are grabbing the bicycles, too, so I jump out to stop them, but then what is actually happening is ambiguous and I start to question my suspicions, as it is looking as if they are washing the bicycles? (Self-analytical thought in the dream: why am I suspicious of people’s motives?) Recalled dreams were all nightscape, mostly single-storey house, semi-suburban, with some light-industrial contexts.
Right at wake-up, after the music had started over at the beginning again, I had two short dreams. In one I was sitting next to a woman on a couch and she was unwrapping things on the coffee table in front of us — articulated 8″ or so toy animals to give as gifts, notably a blue whale and a blue octopus. She had already decided to whom to give the octopus (some older lady who didn’t even really know anything about them). Then, a friend whose face I don’t recognize is saying she is going down to Brazil to be with her sister “to get know the people, the language,” she says, brashly. I ask her “Oh, when are you going?” “In May.” “Really?! I am going down in Mar/Apr!” As I wake up I’m confused because it’s almost May now and I don’t know what year she is talking about.