Trying to get the dream, by Stacy

Trying to get the dream, by Stacy

My dream was epic, and happened simultaneously in three different segments, each with different versions of people trying to acquire her dream. In the first segment, a group of people were playing a football like game with the dream, throwing it around and trying to catch it, trying to get it from each other. In the second, people were on a Family Feud type game show trying to win the dream. They all stood at a podium that looked like...

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Auditory Dream, by Vibrata

Auditory Dream, by Vibrata

I had a very unusual dream; generally, my dreams are very visually vivid and detailed, but this dream was primarily auditory. I stood by a grill filled with hot coals and wood. I could hear the hissing and popping of the wood and coal, and the distinct sounds of very hot metal. I was selecting pieces of meat for the grill. I went to check to see if it was ready, and heard the hot, sizzling sound that told me it was.

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Olympic Cherub Dodging, by Dean

Olympic Cherub Dodging, by Dean

In one dream, I was running. I didn’t know why I needed to run, but knew it was important, and thought that if I kept running, I would figure it out. I didn’t doubt the importance of running, however. In another dream, I was with another guy in a sort of game show with people watching. We had to get from a pavilion into a house. We were in nineteenth century men’s bathing suits, and were participating in a sport, maybe in the Olympics. A...

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Food Dreams, by Lesly

Food Dreams, by Lesly

I had dreams about food. One was in a gym. Lots of people had gathered to learn about food. The leader had to be really loud and enthusiastic because people were talking over him. He was teaching about sorts of food, particularly about nuts and smogs. I was interested in what smogs were; I thought they sounded good. They were nuggets of delicious food. In another dream, I was in a restaurant with my friend, who ordered a burger with tuna salad...

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Talking Too Loud, remote dream by J.P.

Talking Too Loud, remote dream by J.P.

(Downloaded Somnium) I was walking in a warehouse, and I decided to steal candy. It was a warehouse of people’s belongings. When I couldn’t find the candy, I decided to tidy it up a bit. Then I heard footsteps, and figuring I would be viewed suspiciously, I scurried off. In the other corner of the warehouse, my ex-girlfriend was giving some kind of lecture. I felt confident, and sat in the middle of the crowd. She asked the class a...

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Spying & Toys, remote dream by Sylvia

Spying & Toys, remote dream by Sylvia

(downloaded Somnium, went to sleep to it) [Not having the benefit of the core Oneironauticum group’s wisdom about what volume to set the music to, a couple of times, my sleeping partner and I woke up and wondered why we couldn’t hear the music more, before we fell back asleep. Next time we will turn the volume up a little at falling-asleep time.] Went to bed between 11:30pm and midnight. Had decent dream recall around 7am that...

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