Conflict, by Anne Tara

Conflict, by Anne Tara

I used the Lucid Dreaming mode on the Ananda app for this experiment. The tones brought me to a light sleep. The app woke me up with a chime when my 30 minute session was done, at which point I took off my headphones and fell into a deep sleep. My dream was long and seemed to continue most of the night, continuing even after I woke up and fell back asleep several times. I spent the entire dream in or directly outside of a large building with...

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Hypnagogic Phenomenon, by Jennifer

Hypnagogic Phenomenon, by Jennifer

I was surprised by how effective the binaural beats were. I used iDoser hypnagogia and I did that thing where my body falls asleep but my mind stays awake. I was on my back, left hand on my heart, right arm above my head in full surrender, the position in which I have the best dreams. Interestingly, a fire truck went by and I could only hear half the siren. If you can imagine the sound waves rippling up then down, I only heard the downslope of...

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The Boundary of Two Worlds, by John B

The Boundary of Two Worlds, by John B

I tried the lucid dreaming setting and found that really annoyed me – gave me a buzzy feeling in my head like too much caffeine – so I switched to the theta REM setting and dropped quickly into hypnagogia. I could hear my voice narrating scenes of things that existed at boundaries and the way they belonged to two worlds and that even if they left the boundary, they’d carry the marks with them. It was mostly physical...

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Shark, by John

Shark, by John

I *really* like the binaural beats thing; I could feel my mind become very active as soon as I started the app, and was surprised how easily I could sense the left ear/right ear difference – it felt like a whisper in a crowded room that drew my attention. I had a long run of scattered hypnagogic events (not really dreams, just images, coming too quickly to write them down) and then settled in to the dream I tweeted, about the sound of the...

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Community Celebrations, by Rebecca

Community Celebrations, by Rebecca

I had a few dreams, all of which included a similar cast of characters. The first dream I was in a hotel room. It had that neutral quality that lacked the intimate touches you would normally find in someone’s home. There were a few people in the room, it had the vibe of a small party with people laughing and chatting. The person who stood out to me was a dark haired man named Tony. He was very cheerful and friendly and at some point he...

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