
Dreamers who participate in the Oneironauticum, both in person and remotely, are welcome to post their dreams to this site. To view dreams associated with a particular oneirogen, click the name of the oneirogen to the right. Dreamers from around the world participate remotely, either on their own or also in groups, creating an intentional community of like minded explorers of the wilderness of dreams.

Remembering the Dream, remote dream by Phil

Posted by on January 28, 2010 in » 5-HTP, All, Dreams | 0 comments

The dream was about remembering the dream. Inside the dream I was anxious to hold on to what wasn’t even there yet. Then the dream itself became a kind of mixture of city and map, so I could simultaneously hold on to what I was doing as I was doing it, but what that was… other than some momentary fumbling with flesh… I can’t remember, until the city became bright yellow and bounded, a layer over the city with the consistency of glistening butter, a golden but soft city. I remember seeing a corner of this and that the...

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