The Boundary of Two Worlds, by John B

I tried the lucid dreaming setting and found that really annoyed me – gave me a buzzy feeling in my head like too much caffeine – so I switched to the theta REM setting and dropped quickly into hypnagogia. I could hear my voice narrating scenes of things that existed at boundaries and the way they belonged to two worlds and that even if they left the boundary, they’d carry the marks with them. It was mostly physical manifestations – a house in the midst of a very urban neighborhood that was patinated with city grime on the edges, but had kind of a spotless, glowy Rockwell look around the center, a taco truck being consumed by the forest, a war vet I sat next to on the bus who talked about his challenge in suppressing homicidal urges, a shopping district where the stores were gradations of fancy the nearer they were to a very fancy restaurant with a palace facade. Interesting stuff.