The next Oneironauticum is Saturday, September 19
Our next dream sharing event will take place as part of the Psymposia conference being held in Montreal on September 19/20. Sunday the 20th, yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert, will give a workshop on Liminal dreaming and working with oneirogens.
Saturday night, conference attendees and remote participants will hold an Oneironauticum. We’ll work with two oneirogens: Galantamine and liminal dream exercises. Galantamine–in its organic form red spider lily–is used to treat Alzheimer’s and other memory impairments. As an oneirogen, Galantamine produces vivid memorable dreams. It is also the most effective inducer of lucid dreams I have ever encountered. In fact, it was introduced to me by Stephen LaBerge during a lucid dream workshop in Hawaii. Galantamine can be purchased at some stores that sell supplements, or online. Stores such a Amazon carry a wide variety. Because Galantamine is short acting, the best way to take it is to set your alarm to go off five hours after you fall asleep, then wake up and take 4 – 8 mg and go back to sleep.
Liminal dreams–hypnagogia and hypnopompia–happen at the very edges of consciousness, as brain waves either settle down into sleep or arouse toward waking. Different from REM dreams in many ways, liminal dreams happen in the crepuscular state between conscious and unconscious. With a little practice, you can learn to expand that experience and spend increasingly more time in this bizarre and fascinating mind state. Liminal dreamers, from Dali to Edison to Kekulé, have mined this space for problem solving and creativity. Liminal dreaming is also part of the traditional Tibetan Buddhist practice of lucid dreaming.
As always, we welcome remote participants. To participate remotely, take your Galantamine at home, try one of the liminal dream exercises or simply go to sleep with the intention of joining us in the dream world. For that night, we are a dream community, brought together by the unique yet common experience of the dream.
Email your dreams to oneirofer at gmail or post them in the contact form and your dreams will be posted on this site, allowing others to read about the kinds of dreams produced by particular oneirogens. Let us know whether you worked with Galantamine, liminal dreaming practices or Intention. Sweet Dreams!