The Third Oneironauticum is Saturday, April 5

For the third Oneironauticum, we’ll be practicing a meditation described by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche in his book Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light. Though this practice leads to lucid dreaming, it focuses primarily on the boundary between awake and dreaming, the passage of time between falling asleep and becoming conscious again within the dream. At this border, Norbu instructs us,the practitioner breaks through illusion and...

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Dream Journal Excerpt, by Vibrata Chromodoris

This entry is from the morning after the most recent Oneironauticum: “I had a rather huge download of dreams and woke up twice that I can recall. Lying here this morning, reviewing them all in my head, what comes to me is that at no point during all of that dreaming did it ever seem “unreal” no matter how strange the circumstances. The “me” that is dreaming is accepting of the things being seen and felt as “real”. Then, upon...

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Border between sleep and dream, by Jennifer (aka Fer)

On the morning of the Oneironauticum, I woke up and observed the process I went through to remember my dreams, a sort of scan of memory, both trying and relaxing, an exercise of recall. I remembered two dreams that way. Once I had exhausted my thought process, while I still laid in bed in a hazy close to sleep/dream state, I then began randomly shifting through thoughts/images, the ocean, my home, the act of walking, a feeling of pleasure....

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Questions and Flashbulbs, Remote Dreams by Evan Bartholomew

On the plane: I dreamed that there was a young girl who was applying at a school. It appeared to be some sort of monastery because I was there with another man wearing brown monk’s robes. She was young, and was very sure that she wanted to be there. The other man asked her about her qualifications. She then mentioned that she had already passed SATs, and went on to list 3 other tests that she had aced, including some test called a...

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