The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, February 28

On Saturday, February 28th. We’ll be working with a Dreamtime Somalixir created by our pals at Al-Kemi, made of spagyrics of Calea Zacatechichi, Silene Capensis, and Mugwort, all oneirogens we’ve worked with in past Oneironauticum sessions. This specific combination is designed to promote the ability to maintain consciousness in dream states, either to promote lucid dreaming or merely enhance dream awareness. Visit Al Kemi to purchase...

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medicine woman, by Christy

A magic woman appeared in my dream blowing smoke over me and my sister. It was a ritual of some sort, and the woman was native American, or had some resonance with native Americans. I was on the floor with my head to the ground. The woman kept blowing smoke onto me and I went up into dolphin asana, the yoga pose where you’re on your feet and your elbows. The woman continued blowing smoke and I went up into headstand, then into one armed...

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Family Picnic, by Jacob

Picnic on a beautiful grassy hill with all of my Israeli relatives, eating food, flying kites. Some of us go hiking onto a 26 thousand high frozen mountain pass in the Himalayas where we visit some Tibetan Lamaseries. When we get back to the picnic, one of the kites which has been fashioned from a plastic shopping bag flies away and I chase after it. A younger member of my extended family sees the escaped kites and I say, “hey, could you...

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White Receipts, by Vibrata

I don’t know if I can say anything to ancestral communication or lucidity, but it is nice to be able to remember something about my dreams since that’s been lacking in my life lately. The overall theme seemed to be “busy-ness”; going places and doing things with people; getting stuff done. At first I was dreaming about our gathering and some sort of preparation we were doing. There were stickers we needed to make, and I was organizing...

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elephant dreaming, by Christine

My ability to connect with my dreams symbolically was much stronger than usual over the past two nights of dreaming. This expanded seeing happened at the Oneironauticum, and then the night after, when we had our homeopathic dose in the morning. I didn’t find there to be too much of a difference between my dreams the first and second night, only the first night, I had more time to enjoy hynopompia. My second night dream was like...

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Obtuse Messages, by Jennifer

Several of us slept in the same space, a slumber party, sort of Oneironauticum, but also not. Several Buddhist monks were there, scattered in beds and wandering about. A couple of them kept turning on the television, though our hostess specifically said she didn’t want it on. I kept telling them to turn it off again. The Zen Buddhist master who founded one of the main lineages in the states and with whom I had the honor to study, Hakuin Taizan...

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