Minutes of the February Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

After some complex logistical issues were conquered, the February Oneironauticum included dreamers Erik Davis, Vibrata Chromodoris, David Shamanik, lissa ivy tiegel, Dean Mermell, Jacob Nasim, Juliana Meowth, and yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert. Most of us found the Dreamtime Somalixir very powerful. Several of us had dreams that included birds or flying. When I reported this to our pals at Al Kemi, who created the Somalixir, they told me that one...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, February 28

On Saturday, February 28th. We’ll be working with a Dreamtime Somalixir created by our pals at Al-Kemi, made of spagyrics of Calea Zacatechichi, Silene Capensis, and Mugwort, all oneirogens we’ve worked with in past Oneironauticum sessions. This specific combination is designed to promote the ability to maintain consciousness in dream states, either to promote lucid dreaming or merely enhance dream awareness. Visit Al Kemi to purchase...

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Minutes of the January Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

In attendance at the January 31 Oneironauticum were dreamers Erik Davis, Vibrata Chromodoris, David Shamanik, lissa ivy tiegel, Dean Mermell, Christine Benvenuto, Katherine Rochlin, Geneva Bumb Shanti, Jacob Nasim, Spiros Antonopolus, Erin Flynn, Christy Silness, Rebecca Devi Leanord, and yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert. We began the evening by gathering around and checking out the proto type I just received in the mail, a multi-part device...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, January 31

Greetings Dreamers, After a long seasonal hiatus, we’ll be holding the next Oneironauticum on Saturday, January 31st. We’ll be working with Silene Capensis, a Xhosa Dream Plant Alchymical Initiatic, a gift to the Oneironauticum from our pals at Al-Kemi, makers of fine alchemical & spagyric Products. The Xhosa people of Southeast South Africa use Silene for oneiromancy, a form of divination based on dreams. It is said to...

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Minutes of the November Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

I realize the November posts are woefully late. Sigh. Life. Present at the January Oneironauticum were dreamers Vibrata, David, lissa ivy, Geneva, Juliana, Stacey, the other David, and yours truly, Jennifer. Since the dream ingredient of the night was garlic, we began the evening with discussion about the oneirogenic qualities of certain foods. Some people report that spicy food gives them bad dreams, or at least unpleasantly intense dreams....

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, November 15

Our oneirogen for the November Oneironauticum will be garlic. Very little literature exists about the effects of garlic on dreams, and what there is sometimes connects garlic with nightmares. Two original core Oneironauticum members (visionary artist Vibrata Chromdoris and permaculture landscaper David Shamanik) report consistent strong, positive dream experiences brought about by ingestion of garlic. A couple hours before bed, we’ll eat a...

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