Drunken Dreaming, by lissa ivy

Posted on October 4, 2009 in » Mugwort, All | 0 comments

i was at john’s suburban home. gorgeous there, dark and fancy and more rural than i imagine it. gorgeous woods directly out to left. no other people around. he and his spouse were there, and their two younger blondish children. what a delightful scene. he was super supportive of spouse, who was packing up to go off on a date. got time alone w her. she had insanely fantastic tall boots, kinda goth, kinda “dune”, chunky strappy/buttony up the back. she was throwing stuff into her suitcase. [all this took place in second half of giant front room, which also functioned as site of her armoire. this is also where the bed was i believe, that i was later in with ebx.]

anyway, john was super sweet and rad w the kids—showing them how to do bad ass practical stuff, and explaining why. they, in turn, were very sweet and open. noone hid anything from anyone, including the processing conversations, and the smoking.

then i was alone there, and joined by ebx. it wasn’t very sexy, but we were on a date. i was fucking her on the couch in the front room, but she was talking about unsexy stuff. i lost steam—one really must engage my mind, even in dream space. we moved over to bed in adjoining half of gargantuan room. i was looking towards foot of bed, at something on big tv screen—i suggested watching some porn or something to get me back in the mood, and stop moping—so i didn’t realize the sensation. i lay back, wondering what had just happened, and saw ebx w 5 needles coming out of her arms and chest. i looked at my inner left elbow and saw she had poked me with an acupuncture needle. a novel solution i thought.

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