How to Harness Dreaming’s In-Between World – Van Winkle’s

Posted on July 21, 2016 in Musings | 0 comments

How to Harness Dreaming’s In-Between World – Van Winkle’s

Published in Van Winkle’s – September 20, 2016

To dream is to enter into a different world, and there are several different portals that lead to various versions of the terrain. One of the lesser known is liminal dreaming. It exists in a hazy, transitional state that we all experience at some point. Harnessed correctly, it has the potential to yield solutions to complex problems and provide intense kaleidoscopic visions.

As it’s name suggests, liminal dreaming exists in a transitional state. Namely, it exists between hypnagogia and hypnompompia — together called hypnoidal dreams — those trance states we pass through as we fall into sleep at night and climb towards waking in the morning. We also experience them when we settle down for a quick nap.

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