minutes from the September 09 Oneironauticum

I held the most recent Oneironauticum on Saturday, September 19, at the Symbiosis Gathering, following a talk I gave entitled “Dream Work as Visionary Practice”. To watch the talk (approximately 45 minutes), click here or go to the Home page tab of this site, click Lectures: Video Clips in the top right box, The Dreamer, and Select Symbiosis Gathering from the bottom of the list.
People in the audience later reported between 45 and 60 attendees. I didn’t count. The talk concentrated on ways of using dream work to connect with the visionary and to formulate visionary practices. At the end of the talk, I described our three oneirogens: Mugwort, Calea Zacatechichi, and Galantamine.
Participants gathered around the table and prepared their oneirogen of choice: Some poured calea, available in tea form—brewed with water—or alcohol infusion—which I made by steeping dried leaves and stems in vodka for a week, shaking frequently, into baby food jars. Some stuffed sachets with mugwort to create dream pillows, and some gathered up a capsule of Galantamine (Red Spider Lily) to be taken five hours after going to sleep.
Because many attendees at a Saturday night at an art and music festival that goes all night may not sleep much, several participants decided to save their oneirogens for a future date. Many people took their oneirogens in the early morning, however, once they finally went to sleep.