Sex Slave Uprising, Sex Party Celebration, by Jennifer

Posted on May 3, 2010 in » Music, All, Dreams | 0 comments

I had several dreams throughout the course of the night, two of which were longer, more narrative dreams.

The first took place mostly at night, in dodgy parts of town, a general air of seediness around the whole scene. In dingy, worn apartments, women were kept as sex slaves, maybe foreign women who’d been tricked there though that part wasn’t clear. My position seemed unclear, though I think I had recently arrived as one of the women imprisoned in the circumstance.

My point of view changed rapidly across many different locations, all similar apartments or ramshackle motels, poorly lit, peeling wallpaper, threadbare furniture. Then somehow I arranged an uprising and gathered all the women together to claim our freedom. The man in charge arrived at the apartment and we stood up to him and achieved victory. Oddly, I didn’t have visuals for any of this, only the knowledge that it happened.

In the second long dream, I attended a gathering (maybe a meeting) of several of my high school friends and learned they were all involved in a series of sex parties. I realized I was a veteran of the scene and everyone respected and admired me in this role. I had a third person view of a few of the men all putting sexy boots on me, lacing them up.

Then we were all at a big family picnic sponsored by the sex party people. It was a big barbeque with lots of families and children running around, the adults swinging the kids high up in the air and everyone happy and laughing. One friend told me how his daughter almost died and I looked over and saw how healthy and happy she looked.

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