The next Oneironauticum is Saturday, September 19

The next Oneironauticum is Saturday, September 19

Our next dream sharing event will take place as part of the Psymposia conference being held in Montreal on September 19/20. Sunday the 20th, yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert, will give a workshop on Liminal dreaming and working with oneirogens. Saturday night, conference attendees and remote participants will hold an Oneironauticum. We’ll work with two oneirogens: Galantamine and liminal dream exercises. Galantamine–in its organic form...

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Minutes of the June, 2015 Oneironauticum

Minutes of the June, 2015 Oneironauticum

This Oneironauticum was part of the Women’s Visionary Congress, held at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California. Yours Truly (Jennifer Dumpert) gave a talk on working with oneirogens (look for the video of that talk on the Urban Dreamscape page of this site soon) and distributed oneirogens so the entire conference population could participate. As always, we also had many remote participants. A good proportion of our remote...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, June 20

The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, June 20

Our next dream sharing event will take place as part of the Women’s Visionary Congress. Saturday morning, Jennifer will give a talk entitled “Oneironauticum, working with oneirogens for visionary dream”. On that night,  Saturday, June 20, attendees of the Women’s Visionary Congress and remote participants will dream together by using the same oneirogens. We’ll have three choices for Saturday night. Two are herbs: Silene Capensis...

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Sexy Succubus, by Polly

Sexy Succubus, by Polly

I am enveloped into a dream. The empty void of my awareness pulls me into a reality that is as real as any I’ve experienced. As I rouse from blissful unconsciousness I feel a weight on my chest. Sleepy and unable to move I become aware of a presence in the blackness of the room. It’s a strangely familiar sensation. I know you, I think from the blur of slumber. I become aware of an ecstatic warmth between my legs. There’s a pressure, a...

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Cubist Man, by Jennifer

Cubist Man, by Jennifer

In waking reality, I lie down on a couch at a book launch party for Xenolinguistics. I enter a hypnagogic state. A cubist style man sitting in a chair operates a big industrial looking machine that rotates around, places his glasses on his face, then places a drink in his hand. Then he becomes a large framed painting from the waist up, sitting in a leather wing chair atop the legs of a man. During this hypnoidal dream, I am also listening to my...

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