Vehicles, remote dream by Nat

In Seattle, visiting my posse, a Hasidic Jew plays chess with a giant man on a lawn covered in moss up a side street. We are meeting in a hotel/office building. I’m dropping off t-shirts for the bar I work at. People talk of the new Chinese restaurant in the mall. We go by, it’s very bad but friendly and open looking. My boss from the Hideout picks me up at the airport in the driving rain in a tiny convertible chitty chitty bang bang...

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Dream Body/Physical Body, by Jennifer

The Waterlilies somalixir produced physically tangible effects on my dreams. During the earlier part of the night, I dreamed a tall, thin man with dark curly hair in a pony tail and a pink seersucker shirt. He complained to me that the Somalixir didn’t actually do anything. I showed him that if I loosened my jaw a little, it would vibrate rapidly back and forth, clearly an effect of the somalixir. In a later dream, Erik and I rode in the back...

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crocodiles and butterflies, remote dream by Michael

My girlfriend and I were living in London in a ramshackle place with the bathtub down a ravine where a highly variable creek flowed through. Aside from the inconvenience, a very large crocodile occasionally appeared down there and would lay across our tub (being many times too large to lay in it) and make bellowing noises. I built a door that kept him out when we wanted to bathe, but we couldn’t keep it closed too long or the pressure from...

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Minutes of the March Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

Minutes of the March Oneironauticum, by Jennifer

Participating in person for the March Oneironauticum were dreamers Erik, lissa ivy, Dean, Juliana, Stacy, Lena, Chreos, David, Yvette, and yours truly, Jennifer. We gathered at Dean’s house in Bernal Heights between 10:00 and 11:00 where we spent the first hours discussing trends we see in our dreams. Both Lena and I described some of the places we revisit in dreams though we’ve never seen those places in waking reality. Chreos talked about...

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The Next Oneironauticum is Saturday, March 28

The next Oneironauticum is on Saturday, March 28th. We’ll be working with a Waterlilies Somalixir created by our pals at Al-Kemi. The formula combines several sorts of Waterlilies: Blue Nymphaea caerulea of Egypt, Mayan Nymphaea ampla, and Eurpoean Nymphaea alba. Water lilies are thought to contain very pleasant psychotropic qualities (Some theories name Blue Nymphaea caerulea as the “lotus” eaten by the lotus eaters in...

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Alien Visitor, by Vibrata

The alien visitor dream is what I remember most vividly. It was kind of frightening at first, then turned out much differently. An alien was being hunted. It (or maybe “he”?) had tremendous powers to defend himself. The people chasing him were people I knew, though I’m not recalling who exactly. They were in a large warehouse and the alien could hide practically in plain site. His persecutors were trying to use guns and explosives to kill...

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