Invisible Father, by Lil

Invisible Father, by Lil

The dream is movie style. Hurricane Katrina creates panic in the streets of new Orleans. It isn’t just weather. It heralds the arricval of something unknown. People run through the streets seeking cover.   In scene two of the dream, a it’s morning and a husband and pregnant wife are getting ready for work. All seems normal, average American family, but the husband is invisible. He kisses his wife as he leaves for work. The audience marvels...

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Surprise Visitors, by Jennifer

Surprise Visitors, by Jennifer

I had some visitors. In the beginning part of the night, there were these two dudes, one of them had like this weird futuristic hairdo, like a hexagon on his head. He was like sitting on the side of my bed, right in this room but without waking up anyone else. It was very realistic. He showed up just as I was falling asleep to the music [Robert Rich’s piece Somnium, to which we were sleeping]. It was definitely a hypnogogic dream. So the...

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Orange Pigeon, by Jane

Orange Pigeon, by Jane

My dream was here, but it wasn’t. We were in this room, we were all together and I actually remember there was an orange pigeon in the corner. Erik was right there, in the space, saying “I just wished for that.” Jennifer was planting this amazing, glowing flower and at the same time I was pulling out the petals and they were re-growing immediately. We were in a dining hall and it was just like our physical space, like where we are now. It...

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Avoiding the Lion, by Phoenix

Avoiding the Lion, by Phoenix

I had a few dreams. One, at 7:03 in the morning, was a sort of camp scene and the group of us—which was sort of the whole group of us even though I was home sleeping alone in my room and participating remotely in the Oneironauticum—were being challenged to see who could get the most juice of out these different fruits and vegetables. We were sectioned off into the groups that handled the different fruits or vegetables and I had tomato and I...

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Evil Food, by Maja

Evil Food, by Maja

The dream was here, in this same space [Katzen Kultur Klub in Los Angeles]. There was a table with all this food but I knew that there was something evil about it, that we shouldn’t be eating it. Somebody said, hey, “that’s really good, it looks like good food” and I was like, “No… don’t eat the food” and they were like, “Why, what’s the problem, what’s going on?” But I knew there was something wrong. And then this...

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Minutes of the August, 2014 Oneironauticum

Minutes of the August, 2014 Oneironauticum

This special Oneironauticum was part of an event called Resonance, put on by GuruLab at the Katzen Kultur Klub in Los Angeles.The event began with candlelit yoga led by Ashley Jean Nelson, held to live slow metal, played by Warlocks member and soundscape artist JC Rees. Next, Oneironauticum founder, yours truly, Jennifer Dumpert, gave a talk, “Sleep Cycles and Dream Habits”, which included information about the brainwave patterns and regular...

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