Minutes of the August, 2012 Oneironauticum

Minutes of the August, 2012 Oneironauticum

Present at the last Oneironauticum were hosts Vibrata and David S, and attendees Erik, Dean, Christine, David W, Stacy, Katherine, Richard, Zak, Naropa, Emily, and yours truly, Jennifer. We also had a guest of honor sitting on our dream altar: A live Calea Zacatechichi plant. Between arrival time, around 9:00 pm, and bedding down, we discussed various dream topics, as we usually do. For some time, we discussed Hypnogogia, the state of brainwave...

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Minutes of the April, 2010 Oneironauticum

Minutes of the April, 2010 Oneironauticum

Present at the April, 2010 Oneironauticum were dreamers Vibrata, David S., Dean, Lesly, David W., Stacy, Paz, Taryn, Carter, and yours truly, Jennifer. As usual, between the time we arrived and then bedded down, we discussed our reent dream experiences. Dean told a story of a recent intense dream experience with a (non-sexual) succubus in which the dream woman rushed at him and entered his body. Taryn and Carter said that on the same night,...

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Minutes of the January, 2010, Oneironauticum, by jennifer

Minutes of the January, 2010, Oneironauticum, by jennifer

Present at the January, 2010 Oneironauticum were dreamers Vibrata, David S., lissa ivy, Dean, Erik, Christine, David W., Stacy, Nathan, Phoebe, Zak, and yours truly, Jennifer. We started the evening with a viewing of the NOVA special on dreaming, followed by a discussion of the contents. Several items interested the crowd particularly. One point involved the dreams of depressed people. According to the special, depressed people go right into REM...

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The next Oneironauticum is Sunday, January 24

The next Oneironauticum is Sunday, January 24. For this session, we’ll be working with 5-HTP (short for 5-Hydroxytryptophan), a supplement derived from West African Griffonia plant seeds, available in most health food stores or vitamin sections of supermarkets. 5-HTP has oneiric properties because it is involved in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of sleep. Serotonin is also involved in the regulation...

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minutes of the October, 2009 Oneironauticum

minutes of the October, 2009 Oneironauticum

In attendance at the October, 2009, Oneironauticum were dreamers lissa ivy, Erik, Vibrata, David, Dean, Nathan, Juliana, Stacey, Katherine, and yours truly, Jennifer. We gathered between 10:00 and 11:00. Before going to sleep, we discussed dreams we’d had in which we’d died. Many of us had heard the same myth in our childhoods, that if you ever dreamed you died, you would actually died, but most of us had at some point died in a dream....

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The next Oneironauticum is Thursday, October 29

The next Oneironauticum is Thursday, October 29. For this session, we’ll be working with a combination of Melatonin and Vitamin B-6. Melatonin is naturally produced in the human pineal gland (the sort sold in stores is grown on fungi), and helps regulate circadian rhythms by causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature. Studies have shown than melatonin increases REM sleep time and dream activity. The oneirogenic properties of B-6 are...

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